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A letter from our Chair - Sheila

Hi to you and your family,

David and I hope you are all keeping safe and well especially in today’s climate with all the problems that the Covid-19 Coronavirus is surrounding us all with.

I know that this should go without saying but please can we ask you all to send out your distant healing thoughts and prayers to everyone around the World and hope that common sense prevails with everyone coming together to support each other, young and old alike.

David and I send our distant healing out at 9pm each and every night and hope that you would all like to join us.

Not just for the Coronavirus but for everyone that is all or suffering and we remember also all our support workers you the Healer Members for sending out your distant healing, our Doctors, Nurses, Medical Staff, Police, Ambulance Staff and Shop Assistants as well as those that help keep our lights on and Heating working while we have to stay home. Bless them all.

Love and best wishes to each and everyone of you. From David and I,

thank you for all your kind support.


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