Members Publications
Introducing a publication by Duchy Healer Member, George Burridge, 'The Perfect Apparel of the Soul'. For many years George has been a well respected trance medium, bringing forward messages that are very relevent for our current time and for the future, in addition to sound advice for our own growth and personal development. The book is available direct from the author via this web site - price £7 plus £2 post and packing. Please use the Duchy Healers contact page to order a copy.
Duchy Healer members, Valerie and Kevin Bruce-Smith have been co-compilers and contributors for three books by Michael Champion, "Testament to a New Dawn" - a trilogy of books containing messages that have been received via trance, recorded and transcribed by Michael and then compiled by Valerie and Kevin with additional notes. These are huge volumes of 500-600 pages each and packed with messages regarding human life today and for the future as well as occaisional messages from well known public figures. Michaels books are available from Amazon and by order from popular bookstores. Testament to a New Dawn - Amazon Link
