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Tina Murt, Soul Midwife - Talk at the AGM 24.03.24

“Those who have the strength and the love to sit with a dying patient in the silence that goes beyond words will know that this moment is neither frightening, nor painful, but a peaceful cessation of the functioning of the body.”

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross



For those of you who were unable to attend this years AGM at Chacewater Village Hall, you missed a great day and a lovely speaker, Christina Murt who talked to us about her work as a Soul Midwife.

It is fair to say that Christina has multi-talented skills as a healer, she explained that she started working in the care industry at a very tender age and experienced being present at her first death at the age of fifteen, which some regarded as a horrifying experience for one so young, but she was fully aware even then, that being present at that special time in a person’s life is a great privilege. Tina went on to train as a nurse, she became a Reiki Master, trained in Aromatherapy, Reflexology and of course did her training with in Soul Midwifery with Felicity Warner.

She was unapologetic for using the word ‘death’ so openly. The process of dying tends to be tucked away and hidden from us in the Western World and spoken about in hushed tones. But in the not so distant past, and indeed in other traditional cultures around the world it is treated as very much as a rite of passage, a journey, and not something to be feared.

So, what does her role as a soul midwife entail? Tina explained that her role in this instance is non-medical and non-denominational. She is a companion to guide and support the dying (and their loved ones), offering a range of gentle therapies to soothe and reassure the person (or friend, as she calls them) through the process of dying, sometimes from the point of diagnosis and up to the final day of life, or for as far as the friend wishes. She can work with the friend at home, in a hospice or hospital to hold a sacred and peaceful space for them. Tina stressed that the soul midwife is not responsible for providing or administering any medication, that her work is purely complementary to what is offered by the medical team.

She explained how being aware of the elements, Earth, Fire, Water and Air can help assist her work. By being aware of the friends emotions and physical feelings throughout and metaphorically comparing them with these elements it can offer very good clues as to what assistance may be best at any particular time. Using tools such as scent, colour, sound, touch etc to alleviate stress or anxiety.

Tina brought with her a beautiful table top tree called “The Night Garden Tree", a place for people to send messages to their loved ones who have died. Her presence at our AGM was a lovely addition to the day and I am sure many benefited from having a chat with her.  


Tina Murt Email: 



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